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Tampuan is a Bahnaric language spoken in the Ratanakiri Province in Cambodia by the Tampuan people. The Tampuan people are an indigenous ethnic group that live in small villages, practicing slash-and-burn subsistence agriculture. In 1997, the Tampuan people partnered with multiple organizations to create a written form of the Tampuan language, which had previously been completely oral. Now, Khmer is the main language of the area, and most children speak Khmer as a main language in public. Most education is conducted in the Khmer language, leading younger generations to transfer to Khmer over the Tampuan language. Tampuan is mainly used by older generations and in villages inhabited primarily by Tampuan speakers.


Also known as: Tompuan, Tampuon, Tumpoun, Tumpuon

Language Family: Bahnaric

Written Alphabet: modified Khmer

More info - Omniglot


Category: Severely Endangered

Speakers: Between 30,000 and 50,000

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